Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

суббота, 13 апреля 2013 г.

What the general, between the man and a dog?

What the general, between the man and a dog?
In total — except a tail. And, knowing it, it is very easy to train the man … Oh, excuse.
It is very easy to understand, forgive and ask something to make the man. And in general: to construct with it happy long life.
It at all the invention — on the Network very long time ago walks one homebrew theory, by the way, man's authorship in which between men and dogs quite clear and indisputable parallels are drawn.
You judge.
Both men, and dogs will sell soul for the tender word. Potrepli behind an ear, put a piece of sausage, put on a collar and lay a rug at a threshold — and they will serve as belief and the truth to the favourite hostess.
And you will begin to fight, swear or starve — you will receive aggressive, offended, not wishing to serve the pet.

Both men, and dogs understand only simple orders and distinct requests. To talk to them — only the people to make laugh with hints: "You know, the Globule, something this year winter cold … And spring cold … And pools somehow for a long time …" — and to complain then to girlfriends that asked-asked from it boots on a high platform, and he didn't buy.
Both men, and dogs have the specialization. The good owner never will demand from a St. Bernard to climb in a fox hole, and from a dachshund — to carry on a back of children. And with men. If it "is ground" on earning money — to what to saw it for the untidy room? And if he is the specialist in a household — as it is possible to demand from it эквилибра on a career ladder?
Both men, and dogs like to eat. The hungry man, as well as hungry dog — a terrible animal. It we, the women having nothing in common with dogs, so easily transfer hunger, what even invented to myself hundreds diets, the man with hunger swells, dies and leaves to mother on donuts. Well, and the dog runs to the next dump.
Both men, and dogs adore game. How many years wouldn't be it — throw an ossicle or a rubber toy, and they will amusingly hunt for it, really bark and jumping to a ceiling. Therefore don't forget to allow the darlings to be played thoroughly.
Both men, and dogs hate leads. Especially short. Especially if to pull so that tongue is flicked out tongue and climb a manhole on a forehead. Such leads and men, and dogs перегрызают — also give sooner or later I tear up.
Both men, and dogs very much love rest. You won't be worn beaten day by circles, with the tongue hanging out and forcing down paws about stones! Therefore a rug, cold water and tender embraces of the missed hostess — it is obligatory.
Both men, and dogs passionately thirst that them brought up. Miss at least day — and they grow insolent, climb in a bed dirty paws, bark at passersby and bite the house. If they feel a firm master's arm — they immediately become complacent and assured in tomorrow.

Also there is no need to complicate.

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