Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

понедельник, 20 августа 2012 г.

Ingrown toenail NO NO NO

Ingrown toenail Damaged inept actions, the skin becomes vulnerable to pathogenic organisms. Unprotected skin is inflamed. Starts swelling, swelling. The body to protect itself, highlights bioactive substances, the result is the pus.
Damaged area peredavlivaetsya, bore down on the nail plate. Nail cuts into the soft tissue, exacerbating the problem. Is the uncontrolled growth of new cells, appears mound of gray or red in color, which is called "ingrown nail."
Cure ingrown toenail can be with a surgical scalpel or without it.

Onycholysis and Fungus

Whatever the disease may be, but need to get rid of them quickly.
And the reason is not only in their unaesthetic, but also in danger they may pose to human life.
Fungal Infection - Mycoses - is the problem. The problem of itching, plohopahnuschaya and disturbing millions of people around the world. Most often, it exposed people with weak immune systems.
And to pick up a fungal infection, do not have to go far enough to walk barefoot in public locker room, swimming pool, or wear slippers on bare feet older brother.

понедельник, 13 августа 2012 г.

Tattoos in the language?

It seems that the youth has a new fashion - tattoos in languages​​.

It is difficult to say whether they are more extreme than ordinary, in fact demonstrate a pattern in his mouth may be lucky enough to have only those to whom he pleases.

Harmful if silicone for hair?

Just recently I heard about what a great impact on the state has a silicone hair.Silicone is a part of funds for termoukladki and protection from sunlight, makeup tips for the hair, which aims to hide the dryness and posechenny hair. Today, thanks to the vigilance of those users who do not bribe the beautiful packaging and empty words, you can hear quite the opposite feedback on this matter that is included in many formulations of shampoos and masks that promise volume and smoothness to your hair.

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