Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

суббота, 26 ноября 2011 г.

Face lift

Face lift (facelift, rhytidectomy).

The most effective way of external rejuvenation.
Currently, there are open and endoscopic face lift, as well as combinations thereof. Their common goal aims to reduce sagging skin, restore facial contours and neck, as well as straightening and removal of facial wrinkles.

Genital surgery

Genital surgery - this is an area of ​​medicine that is intended to address primarily the problem is not physical health, and his intimate problems. Like other plastic surgery that did not relieve any physical illness, intimate surgery, however, can significantly change a person's life, saving him from some of the complexes and problems in his personal life.

The truth about silicone breast.

The truth about silicone breast.

Is it safe to breast augmentation surgery? How soon will disappear scar? Do I have to change with time Implants? These and many other issues facing every woman who wants to do a breast enlargement operation.

Plastic surgery (Breast Implants)

Plastic surgery (Breast Implants)

Breast Implants - an operation aimed at changing the shape of breasts.

Women are very concerned about the appearance of the breast and all the problems that arise in this connection, can cause not only physical but also psychological discomfort that can very negatively affect her personal life. The presence of such difficulties and explains the large number of patients seeking help for estetichekoy surgery. However, it should be remembered that the execution of any operations on the breast should be preceded by consultation and examination mammologist.

Questions and answers plastic surgeon

How often is going to fix his appearance with the help of medicine. we ask ourselves many questions. They and we stop. Our questions are answered by a plastic surgeon.

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