Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

четверг, 18 апреля 2013 г.

Dangerously to postpone dream: we take measures

At you such happens?
Already it seems and time whether later, and whether earlier, and into eyes though you matches insert, both the bed is invitingly outspread, and an alarm clock threateningly потикивает, and all of you серфите in a network, drink tea and you stare in a black window …
That you knew — it is one of depression symptoms. And even if not everything is so terrible — in any case: the postponed dream testifies that your nervous system is in an unstable condition.

Allergens in your computer

You sneeze? Snivels? You don't get out of seasonal colds?
Something with the person? With hair? All this easily can testify that your organism acutely reacts to an external stimulus, and simply — is in a condition of an allergy.
And seemingly various provokers like house flowers and woolly animals are moved to mother, peryevy pillows are replaced with synthetics, and the condition only worsens …

Large-scale research in one of the Swedish universities was quite recently finished: whether the computer can cause an allergy. It appeared: can, and still as.
First, the case of the monitor which is warmed in operating time to 50-55 degrees, allocates in the couple atmosphere threefenilfosfate — rather aggressive and allergenic substance. Echoes it and the system unit allocating in the atmosphere of office fluorine, chlorine, fosfor bonds and steams of various pitches.

суббота, 13 апреля 2013 г.

What the general, between the man and a dog?

What the general, between the man and a dog?
In total — except a tail. And, knowing it, it is very easy to train the man … Oh, excuse.
It is very easy to understand, forgive and ask something to make the man. And in general: to construct with it happy long life.
It at all the invention — on the Network very long time ago walks one homebrew theory, by the way, man's authorship in which between men and dogs quite clear and indisputable parallels are drawn.

The rights of smokers — whether it is necessary to protect them?

It self I don't smoke, but others smoking doesn't irritate, when it far from me. However, it is frequent and with a series doesn't irritate. But all non-smoking hold such opinion not.
Association of doctors of Sweden made the statement that smoking patients will be not done by operations, however, if operation isn't necessary for life salvage.
In the same time a series of influential public organizations of the country introduction of an absolute prohibition on smoking since 2025 and introduction of the program of a compulsory otucheniye of smokers demanded from their addiction.

среда, 3 апреля 2013 г.

Excessive appetite: how to fight against it?

Uncontrollable appetite! What to do when it is possible "to throw" in itself for once and ham sandwich, and a pie with cream, French fries and a hamburger, and everything to wash down with Coca-Cola

If such irrepressible desire to eat everything that will catch sight (from edible, certainly! ) it is impossible to connect with the premenstrual period or pregnancy, then be careful: everything to correct such behavior of your organism, its imbalance and desire, can become a real crash for your figure!

We approach spring: six principles of cheerfulness

You don't hurry to put on yourself a cross.
You and the worker — though where, and the wife — loving, and mother — understanding and if suddenly today at failure work, with the husband of a no comments and with children disagreement, so it simply the winter was tightened, and the spring was late.
It is possible to tighten, of course, habitual "The nature has no bad weather" and to try to cheer up last year's holiday photos, but an organism you won't deceive: it needs movement, freshness and hormonal explosion.

How to make correction of eyebrows correctly?

How to make correction of eyebrows correctly?
Beautiful eyebrows — it is pledge of an ideal make-up.
But in order that it is correctly to execute correction of eyebrows in house conditions, you need to pay attention to lines of the person that eyebrows became its harmonious part, instead of the reason of unpleasant questions from outside.

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