Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

вторник, 15 мая 2012 г.

Iron deficiency anemia

Spring came, and again, this drowsiness, pallor, apathy ...The reasons can be many for such a state, but one of them - iron deficiency.So that when the above symptoms better hurry up to the professionals who will help determine what treatment you should do.Map your "fairy tales" will look like this:

How dangerous deodorants?

Life is getting worse, comrades.The enemy lurks even in your mobile phone, laptop or purse - it got to you under your arm.Yes, this cute little white spot, harmless peeping from the dunes and the dunes of your dressing table - the real enemy. At least so say the advocates of naturalism.After all, antiperspirant - what's that?It is a chemically active substance, which clogs the pores of the body and does not stand a sweat.

пятница, 4 мая 2012 г.

Cellulite: the external or the lack of a terrible disease?

Seeing the unfortunate cellulite in the mirror, thinking about it "settle" in the brain, forcing the others, and begin to itch.
"From the urgent need to get rid of him! Spring - short skirts! Summer - a bikini! .. No, it is definitely on the urgent need to get rid of! "

Before you get on a bike

Must be properly prepared. Although what I mean?We have, and before boarding the car is not always aware of what they do, and here - is great ... I sat down - and went.Meanwhile, a bicycle - a vehicle even more dangerous than a car, first and foremost - to own cars.

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