Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

понедельник, 13 августа 2012 г.

Harmful if silicone for hair?

Just recently I heard about what a great impact on the state has a silicone hair.Silicone is a part of funds for termoukladki and protection from sunlight, makeup tips for the hair, which aims to hide the dryness and posechenny hair. Today, thanks to the vigilance of those users who do not bribe the beautiful packaging and empty words, you can hear quite the opposite feedback on this matter that is included in many formulations of shampoos and masks that promise volume and smoothness to your hair.

So whether silicone or harmful is unsubstantiated horror story? Let's weigh all the "pros" and "against." Cons: Silicones "clog pores", "lead to cancer," "do not allow skin to breathe," "prevent staining hairdresser ',' cause brittle hair," etc.

 1.Silicon temporarily gives hair volume, shine, making them smooth, but it will not cure, but only mask the deficiencies smoothing scales and filling in the damaged parts of hair
.2.Many forums "buzz" about the existence of silicones, which can not be washed off, which makes the hair weak and lifeless.

3.Pri hit high-polymer Silicone to the scalp can cause inflammation, leading to the formation of dandruff and in disrepair - to hair loss.4.Prekrativ use of silicone, the silicone from the hair is washed away only after the fifth washing. As a result, hair becomes brittle, fragile, "disheveled," as all the flaws come out. Pros: Recent studies have proven that silicone does not penetrate into the hair, because their molecules are too large to penetrate the tissue

A.Silicone hair instantly gives curls shine, making them smooth and manageable. Two. Also strengthens the protective layer of hair, what prevents it from damage from exposure to sun, wind, high temperatures during heat styling.

Three. Silicone also helps curls through staining and perm. In addition, all helpful in reasonable doses, and all harmful if excessively. Annoying side effects only occur with an overdose of the substance. Funds from the silicone content of more than 50% (there are up to 90%!) Need to get round. And if its contents in a mask or a spray does not exceed 45%, we can safely use them. Experts recommend once a week to use a special shampoo that will wash away any excess silicone.

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