Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)
Anesthesia: General or local anesthesia.
Duration of operation: 30 to 90 minutes.
Length of stay: not required (an excerpt on the same day).
Discomfort: A weak degree. Expect to take pain medication for 1-5 days. Some patients do not need painkillers.
Swelling and bruising: disappear in 3-14 days, depending on the size of the operation. If only the skin is removed, this period is 3-5 days. After removing skin and fat from the canthopexy bruising and swelling are 7-14 days. You can reduce the swelling, if you always keep your head in an elevated position and is often applied to the eyes of a cold compress.
Dressings: Not required.
Stitches: Removed in 5-7 days. If the plastic lower eyelids done by a cut on the inside of the century, it may remove sutures are required.
Tearing: For a while my eyes are watering, especially outdoors in windy conditions. Usually it is a few weeks.
Make-up: You can apply in 7-10 days.
The appearance in humans: In 3-14 days, depending on the size of the operation.
Work: To work, you may be ready to return to work after 1-5 days, but the limiting factor will look.
Exercise: You can renew after 2 weeks.
Final result: Shown in 4-8 weeks.
Save the results: Results will continue for a period of 10 to 20 years, though there are significant deviations from this period.
Recommendations and warnings.
If the surgeon warns that you need as forehead lift, ask what improvements should be expected only from the age of plastic, just off the forehead lift, as well as the combination of the two procedures. Then make a decision.
Dark circles under your eyes disappear as a result of the operation, if they do not disappear when stringing the lower eyelid skin.
Wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes after surgery did not decrease.
Within three months after the lower eyelid plastic refrain from chemical or laser peels, when the incisions were performed on the outside of the age.
If you do not need to remove excess skin from the lower eyelids, ask them to cut was on the inside of the eyelids.
Eyelid surgery is not rejuvenate your skin. For this purpose we other operations.
If you suffer from dry eyes, visit the ophthalmologist before the operation to identify the causes and fix it. In this case, eyelid surgery is not contraindicated, but the surgeon has to remove less-than-planned number of skin or perform canthopexy, or dry eye symptoms may worsen.
Be prepared for canthopexy increase swelling and prolong the recovery period for about a week.
The first few days sleeping in a chair or on high cushions to minimize swelling
3 коммент.:
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Blepharoplasty is a good operation for that. Choose your surgeon wisely though, it is not a surgery that is without complications...
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