Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Acupuncture – Acupuncture

Acupuncture methods of treatment, like other methods of traditional Chinese medicine, are based on a principle that internal harmony in an organism - a necessary condition of health. For this harmony the concept ци (it is sometimes said as ci) - vital energy or vital force which casts is basic or flows, depending on changes in mental, physical and spiritual state of health of the person.

It is considered that ци circulates on all body on 14 invisible channels named meridians, forming a certain network of life. It is considered that the balanced, free current ци generates good health whereas lazy, standing or raging turbulences ци inevitably generates illness.

Акупунктуристы try to restore correct circulation ци, influencing exit points ци, located
Immediately under a skin. Influence is reached by втыкания needles in the thickness about human hair in these points, more
Known as biologically active points. It is considered that result of similar stimulation is appearing at
The person possibility to reach internal harmony - a condition which allows an organism to mobilize the own
Protective forces.


The acupuncture practised China throughout 4500 thousand years. However its diffusion on the West was rather
Slow, though also steady.
Application of this method

Традиционнно акупунктуристы treated tens various diseases the part from which is listed above. And though in the western countries the acupuncture was used mainly at treatment of painful syndromes, the area of its medical application gradually extends. Since 1996 the needles applied at an acupuncture, are classified as medical devices. It has indirectly accelerated process of an official recognition of an acupuncture.

Today the acupuncture has well proved at drug addiction treatment, control over weight and acceleration of recover after surgical operations or traumas

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