Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Breast Enlargement

Breast Enlargement.
Breast Augmentation (Breast Implants increasing)

Anesthesia: General anesthesia.

Duration of operation: 1 to 2 hours.

Length of stay: not required. Extract the same day.

Discomfort: A weak or moderate degree of installing an implant under the iron and moderately or severely when installing under the muscle. Within 3-7 days you may need pain relief drugs.

Bruises: disappear in 5-10 days. Many women have bruises do not happen.

Edema: The maximum within 3-5 days after surgery. During this period may feel like staying in milk after birth. Usually more swelling in subpektoralnom (under the muscle) placement of the implant than with subglandular. 10-14 days after surgery resolves 50 to 75% swelling. After a month - from 75 to 90% of edema and swelling completely disappears in a month or two. Edema may be stronger for athletic physique or premature resumption of intensive training.

Violation of sensitivity: Temporary numbness may persist for 2 weeks to 2 years. The risk of permanent loss of nipple sensitivity is about 5%.

Bandages: removed after 1-7 days.

Seams: Most surgeons use absorbable threads, which are located under the skin and do not require removal. If the doctor does not use absorbable sutures, stitches will be removed after 7-10 days.

Support: During the 1-4 weeks required to wear a compression garment. You can not wear a bra with the "bones" as long as the surgeon does not resolve.

Work: You will be able to return to work after 3-7 days to install the implants over the muscle and after 5-10 days to install the implants under the muscle. If duties involve lifting weights, you should wait 2 to 4 weeks before you go to work and obtain prior permission of the plastic surgeon.

Exercise: Is it possible to resume in 1-2 months.

Final result: Shown in 6-12 months.

Recommendations and warnings.

You should not rely on a narrow gully between the breasts, if they are widely separated and used subpektoralnoe position the implant. Operation does not change the shape of the glands - only volume.

Refrain from exercise for 1-2 months after surgery to minimize swelling and the risk of accumulation of serous fluid and hematoma formation and capsular contracture.

6 коммент.:

Unknown комментирует...

What is the best type breast implants? And most natural way of breast implant under muscle or under breast ti?

Unknown комментирует...

Another motive behind breast augmentation is that some women naturally grow one breast smaller than the other. They undergo breast surgery to achieve a balanced appearance. enlargement in Dubai is performed using implants that are also used to construct new breasts in women who lose their breasts due to breast cancer.

Royal Cosmetic Surgery Pakistan комментирует...

Breast Augmentation surgery is an effective cosmetic surgery for the women having having increased the size of breast women undergo this treatment construct new breast to achieve a balanced appearance.
Breast Augmentation in Lahore

Unknown комментирует...

Thanks its really helpful and useful post i like it thanks for share .keep it up..,

Breast Augmentation In Karachi

Rose Maria комментирует...

Breast implant and Rhinoplasty in Thailand?
breast enlargement thailand

Jr. Williams комментирует...

How after much time off should I take for breast augmentation ...
breast enlargement thailand

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