Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

понедельник, 26 марта 2012 г.

Since cough is not joking

Whatever appeared in our airways - dust, water, food particles or mucus in the form of sputum - a reaction to it will always be a cough.
It indicates that the airways are clogged.In children, this reaction occurs more often with the appearance of inflammation in the bronchi, trachea and lungs.

воскресенье, 25 марта 2012 г.

Chanel № 5: The story of the legend

In 1920. France, Biarritz ...
Mademoiselle Chanel in mourning after the death of his friend. Together with her in mourning and the whole country: black, came into vogue, along with a small fee.
At this time the Russian Prince Dmitry Romanov came to France, where he met Gabrielle Chanel.
"These Russian stately, beautiful, gorgeous. But behind all this is nothing, only emptiness and vodka, "- said Chanel and, as a true woman, as opposed to carried away by his own words," this Russian. "

среда, 21 марта 2012 г.

The fashion for perfume

Everything in life is subject to standards legislator, Her Majesty Mode.
And even the smells are no exception, despite the fact that they can not hold, see or touch. Maybe that's why fashion scents more constant than in the clothing and accessories.
Take, for example, one of the oldest old - Chanel № 5 - this fragrance is the most honorable place in perfume stores, despite its well known.
But it is still a classic beloved by many, that will give odds to any beginner who is ready to compete in actuality.

среда, 14 марта 2012 г.

Healthy nails are your beauty

Nails, like hair, were among the first to respond to the slightest problem in our body. Even banal bad mood, threatening to go into a depression, can affect the appearance and characteristics of nails.So know and understand the "language of nails" for every woman is a must.

пятница, 9 марта 2012 г.

Let's invent an elixir of eternal youth!

Let's invent an elixir of eternal youth!
Incidentally, the greatest minds of humanity for several thousand years looking for the magic recipe for the drink, which helps overcome aging and death.And the only modern nutritionists are very close to unraveling. It turns out, quite out in the garden, to lend a hand - and here it is, youth, himself!Remember the famous saying: young - green?It is not that a shame, not only is she amazingly true! It turns out that all that is green in nature, created precisely in order to help preserve youthful beauty, youthful strength and health of the young.

понедельник, 5 марта 2012 г.

What is ozone therapy?

What is ozone therapy?Today in Germany around 8000 licensed physicians, including physicians, naturopaths and homeopaths, use ozone in medical practice. In Europe, the number of doctors who use ozone as an independent means of treatment or as a supplement to other treatments, reaches about 15,000. The essence of the methods of ozone therapy is to add minute quantities of ozone into oxygen, and then enter these active forms of oxygen into the body by intravenous, oral, subcutaneous, rectal, or other means.

Intravenous laser irradiation of blood

Intravenous laser irradiation of blood. Laser. One of the most common ways to impact low-power laser radiation on the human body is the intravenous laser irradiation of blood, which is being successfully used in cardiology, gynecology, endocrinology, urology, dermatology, anesthesiology and other medical fields. It is difficult to find an analogue of the irradiation of blood on the ease of use, versatility and effectiveness of treatment. The use of intravenous laser irradiation kroviprovoditsya both independently and in kompelekse with other treatments.

Physical therapy, you need to know

Physical therapy, you need to know
Electrophoresis drug - combined effects on the unidirectional current and a drug substance, introduced by this current.
Electrophoresis is possible only charged particles, that is, substances that dissociate into ions (electrolytes) or adsorbing ions in solution. At the present time, when medicinal electrophoresis is used mainly solutions of medicinal substances of low concentration, as the concentration increases with decreasing degree of electrolytic dissociation of matter.

суббота, 3 марта 2012 г.

Facelift. The whole truth and nothing but the truth

Facelift. The whole truth and nothing but the truth

Inexorable laws of gravity, not only in physics but also in cosmetics. Sadly, our face muscles gradually weaken, the contours become less clear. Hence the double chin, bags under the eyes and drooping corners of her mouth. However, these external manifestations of aging of skin, usually paid much less time than the notorious wrinkles. But a face lift, too, is very important. In this case requires not only the professional beauty services, but also self-lifting. If you are using effective methods, face lift at home will be no less effective than in the beauty salon. About these methods, we are today and we'll talk.

Pheromone Perfume: Truth or myth?

In ancient times, many women tried to bewitch a loved one with the help of witchcraft. Over the years, much has changed, but today is truly a miracle love potion remedy - perfumes with pheromones. Once these spirits were first developed ingenious perfumers around They had a lot of myths and legends.

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