Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

вторник, 31 января 2012 г.

Diet in diseases of the chest

Diet in diseases of the chestTo begin with - the mandatory warning that, in fact, should begin or end at least every story about such serious things as breast disease.
This diet - like any other recommendations - should always be coordinated with your doctor first, because of its alleged efficiency, and secondly, because the patient needs to do chest close attention of doctors.

Why sore breasts

Why sore breastsThe question really is not romantic.
Doctors are relentless: Any chest pain should seriously alerted the woman. Even if your personal pain visits you each month with PMS - normal breast should not hurt.And while you dial a number and receptionist to order coupons mammologist - here's a list of pains and their causes.

Thrush and pregnancy

You are pregnant. Hormones are going wild and begin the intense activity in your body.
You're against? There is nothing you can do about it!
And yet, thrush is not asleep.
With the onset of pregnancy, hormonal changes a woman's body.
And "sweet couple" progesterone and estrogen begin to change the acid balance of the vagina. Such rejection of the acid side, excellent conditions and promotes proliferation of agent - family of fungi Candida.

воскресенье, 29 января 2012 г.

Honey Hair Mask

Honey - the most valuable product, given us by nature! It contains all the most valuable vitamins and minerals. Honey is often added to the means of hair care products. Honey Hair Mask perfectly strengthens, nourishes and adds shine and softness to severely damaged hair.

Luxurious hair. How to make hair healthy and beautiful

At all times, all peoples considered red stamp marked a special destiny. Red - the color of energetic, passionate and mysterious and unpredictable people.
Want to change lives for the better - repaint in red! Shades of red hair color is so diverse that they can pick up virtually any appearance.

Improving your hair

Improving your hairFoods have to be rich in vitamins that strengthen and blood vessels that supply nutrients to the hair (vitamin C), and skin, which contains the hair follicles (vitamins A, B2, B6, PP). Very useful dairy products (by the way, not only for domestic but also for outdoor use), as well as oatmeal, cabbage, beets, containing salts of silicon, sulfur, zinc, cobalt, copper, much-needed hair. But what is bad for their state, so this passion canned, salted, fatty and spicy dishes.

среда, 25 января 2012 г.

We change the partner because. Dissatisfied wives

We change the partner becauseBecause the theory is at odds with the practice.
That's it. Not because someone out there badly brought up, dissolved or bludliv. No.
Medical fact: a woman in their structure and physiological properties may have a much greater pleasure from sex (and orgasms in fifteen seconds to two male and three orgasms at a time against one of boys, and orgasm from affection, without frictions there) - this is the theory .

How to dress to undress you want

There is a wonderful phrase: a well-dressed woman excites more than well-naked.Do not believe Agatha - ask the man: not a short skirt and chest, left out of knitted T-shirts, plunge them into wicked thrill.
Once saw a sight boring Lovelace, when the real meeting after the virtual dating girl did not come with the tail in a remote turtleneck, and a sofa in a revealing dress with a cut to the navel.

суббота, 21 января 2012 г.

Tools for potency: more expensive - hence, more efficient?

Tools for potency: more expensive - hence, more efficient?They are called tablets joy, generics, or simply "the salvation of men": "Viagra", "Dynamic", ... The list could continue advertised, though less popular names. Crowns him with all the well-known "Viagra".

пятница, 20 января 2012 г.

Aphrodisiacs, or how to excite a desire?

Aphrodisiacs, or how to excite a desire?
Tablets, injections and other achievements of modern medicine can (albeit temporarily) restore potency.
But they almost did not add sexual desire. For these purposes, there are aphrodisiacs - herbs and certain foods, which is ascribed to bring this wonderful property desire.

среда, 18 января 2012 г.

Pros and Cons of Hair Removal

Hair removal - method of getting rid of the hair and, and the hair follicles.Unfortunately, there is no method that would guarantee complete freedom from unwanted hair for life. However, choosing the appropriate type and mode of procedure, it is possible to achieve good and lasting results.At present, the most common three types of procedures: electro-, photo-and laser hair removal. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

Hair removal and waxing a bit of historical facts

The earliest reliable information about getting rid of unwanted hair from the body belong to the I century BC and was associated with the name of Cleopatra, though there is no doubt that this technique is much older ...
It is known that the Queen for the removal of vegetation on the legs to wax. Hieroglyphics preserved expression of Pharaoh, demanding of female slaves to be clean and smooth, ie hairless. And in Ancient Hellas beauty used for similar purposes bronze tweezers and a tincture of the root breonii, destroying the hair and makes the skin smooth.

Epilation and depilation

Epilation There are two ways to get rid of annoying vegetation depilation and epilation.In the first case, either mechanically or chemically removed hairs sticking out on the surface, the second is an attack on the roots - hair follicles.When waxing the effort enough from 2 days to several weeks, then rough to recover and may even increase (this applies only to shave). Hair removal is guaranteed a gradual irreversible disappearance of the coat boring: no follicle - no hair.

Thai Massage

Visit to Thailand and do not try Thai massage - almost as unforgivable as to visit Egypt and not to look at the pyramid of Cheops. True, what is the real Thai massage, a person uninitiated to understand sometimes be difficult.

Erotic massage or back massage as a prelude to sex

As for the types of erotic massage, then there• The classic erotic massage• Thai massage sexy• Aromatherapy massage• Foam erotic massage• Tantric massage• sexy massage Tao• Foot Massage.

понедельник, 16 января 2012 г.

Woman's personality ... below the belt

The woman - she personality everywhere.This man can not afford to be a person of parts, which, for example, that in the pants, it pulls on the held, mature personality, and that the above leaves hope for the mercy of Mother Nature.
Or conversely, you looked in glasses - oh-oh-oh-oh, personality, touch below - so-so, not "oh-oh-oh-oh."
The woman, would not touch it, always complete if only she really female.

Beauty during pregnancy

Pregnancy itself - beauty.
However, we women always cast more. How to make beauty more beautiful? How to make health more healthier? How to make a fortune even happier?
And because these issues concern to women are not the first hundred years - some arsenal of tools we have accumulated with you.In the case of pregnancy, it will be very carefully drafted.

Just pull your stomach

Just pull your stomachHowever, it is not so easy.
Has anyone tried to walk always drawn from the stomach, knows the first two months of the trained skill - torture that again, can not relax for a minute collapse in a chair or sit back - no, thanks, just thought of something - of thong jeans already hanging, looking around warily, something sly and lily-livered, the same stomach, which seized the moment and slipped to freedom ...

суббота, 14 января 2012 г.

Dark circles or the so-called dark circles under the eyes can darken the appearance of even the most beautiful face. On the causes of their appearance and how to get rid of them try to figure out together.

Running as a panacea for weight loss

Which do you choose a way to lose weight? You can find millions of them: diet, volyumetrika, fitness, yoga, aerobics, spinning, the whole weight loss programs and much more. But how do lose weight without harming the health and not torturing myself a hunger strike? Jogging!

Wine therapy: red wine in cosmetics

Wine therapy - a modern and elegant spa, which is available in most beauty salons to relax.It includes a lot of cosmetic procedures: masks, pedicures, manicures, massages, relaxing baths, wraps and many others.

Broccoli – the most useful "female" vegetable

Broccoli cabbage recognized as the most useful vegetable for women. According to researches of scientists from Michigan, this vegetable can protect a fine half of mankind from oncologic diseases.

пятница, 13 января 2012 г.


Treatment with carbon dioxide or Carboxytherapy known to doctors all over the world for a long time.
It is widely used by experts the world's leading health resorts and spas, neither the Czech Karlovy Vary, or Slovakian Bardejovske font can not do without magic "gas injections."
The range of problems to be solved with the help of Carboxytherapy is quite broad: wrinkles, acne and post-acne, fading, sagging skin, cellulite, stretch marks (striae), and traces of surgery.

Remove unwanted hair, photoepilation

How do we all want to have a smooth and delicate skin without excess vegetation!To not have every month, every week, almost every day to resort to various cosmetic procedures and tactics!To date, the beauty industry offers us a wide selection of cosmetic procedures, only the effect of them so short-lived. And so anxious to get one - and for a long time! As always, just brilliant and long overdue idea.

четверг, 12 января 2012 г.

How to look after a face skin in the winter?

Autumn - a time when all living nature casts off outmoded, outdated and worn out "attire."
Retirement, freezes in anticipation of their spring awakening, making every effort to rise from obscurity, in all its enduring glory.
So right now you must make sure that in the spring, along with all of nature to feel the joy and pleasure from the contemplation of the miraculous beauty of all things.
Fall-Winter best time to get rid of that layer of skin, which prevents deep penetration of cosmetic products.

Correct posture. We develop together with me

Good to be erect locomotive!
Good to be pryamosidyaschey, erect, and pryamoiduschey pryamoderzhascheysya. Not a woman - the Queen!
And if a woman goes to the royal title by birth or marriage, the posture - much easier. Common in heavy physical labor.

Secret of a flat female stomach

With respect to the flat stomach all the women are divided into three groups.
First, the smallest, has it from birth, very proud of the stomach and protects it with reverence. These women believe that they know the secret of a flat stomach, but no it does not claim to be.

понедельник, 9 января 2012 г.

5 most useful morning habits

5 most useful morning habits How difficultly to wake up in the winter! Light day became even shorter. We will add here a disadvantage of the sun, fresh air, a chronic sleep debt and shortage of vitamins. Whether so it is necessary to be surprised to what in the mornings we are similar to the zombie?

How to make erotic massage

How to make erotic massage
How to make favourite erotic massage? Everything that is necessary for you, is some thaw of massage oil and a small pocket mirror, which should be brought from time to time to his lips to make sure that your man wasn't lost from pleasure.

We liberate the sexual energy. Erotic massage

Modern life sets the rate, and we are compelled to submit to it. But sometimes it is necessary to make a break and to find smooth water where it is possible to put in order thoughts and a body. During such moments massage becomes necessary. Erotic massage is most pleasant of improving procedures known to mankind. Erotic massage allows to liberate sexual energy and helps to direct it to a correct channel. The person, whose physical, sincere and which sexual condition are in harmony, certainly, the happy person.

Thai massage. Myths and biases

Thai massage Thai massage often perceive as continuation (or the beginning) sex service as only very few of tourists arriving to Thailand really know that "traditional Thai massage" is something absolutely another, rather than skillfully veiled prostitution in which are engaged in massage offices more than 70 % of the female population of Thailand. At traditional Thai massage, or "ancient massage" ("Nuad Boran" as it name on-thai), behind shoulders - long history of medical influence.

четверг, 5 января 2012 г.

Beaty and Tiny Deal

If we speak today about beauty it is not necessary to forget about things which to us can help to make our appeal, even better. My blog is read by people from many countries, and not always these countries are in first ten on a level of development of the industry of beauty and other parameters.

среда, 4 января 2012 г.


The action of natural factors often reinforce performirovannymi factors SPA-capsule. SPA-capsule combines several preformed impacts. The best known Sanspektra, Alpha - the capsule. From rehabilitation units of the last generation can be called "Alpha Hydroxy SPA" with oxygen concentrator.

Hardware cosmetology

Hardware cosmetologyHardware cosmetology growing rapidly and is popular as a cosmetologist, and patients. More than 30 years of experience with hardware methods in Europe suggests that a significant improvement in the appearance of the body can be achieved only through an integrated approach and use different methods and hardware correction and professional care.


CosmetologyThe history of cosmetics - an art to be beautiful - is as old as the history of mankind. Greek legend on the ability to use makeup people gave Hermes. People decorated their faces, that the harvest was better than the cattle grow, the children were healthy, as well as from the evil eye and magic spell.

вторник, 3 января 2012 г.

Traditional Vietnamese medicine

Traditional Vietnamese medicine
Vietnam is one of the East Asian countries with the developed traditional medicine.
 Often people confuse concepts traditional and national medicine of this or that country. Differences that the national medicine has no written sources, its methods and secrets are transferred orally. Set of these data no system

Bin Chau SPA Saigone

The Vietnamese health resort of Bin Chau which is in 150 km from Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) – an original oasis of SPA-tourism. It is located at coast, in protogenic  to wood, near to 70th sources of geothermal mineral waters of various temperature (400–820 ºC) which form natural streams and reservoirs.

Treatment in Vietnam

Treatment in Vietnam

Vietnam hardly starts to leave a shade of giants of medical tourism – Thailand and Singapore, however has all possibilities to win the place in the sun in this kind of the industry.

Sangapuri (a plasty of east eyes) in South Korea – a last word in fashion in plastic surgery

The great popularity recently at the Asian nationalities including at the people of the Central Asia operations on formation of the "European" century began to use, that is on creation of a cord in the field of an upper eyelid and correction epicantus – a cuticle covering an internal angle of an eye suffices.

Vietnam – the world center of an acupuncture

The country is the leader in the field of east medicine.
In system of public health services of Vietnam there is a set of the state centers, private clinics and the practising licensed experts in scientifically well-founded traditional Vietnamese medicine – to an acupuncture (acupuncture) and a phytotherapy (treatment by grasses) which are fine alternative to the "western" treatment or well supplement it.

воскресенье, 1 января 2012 г.

Beautiful decollete

I will undertake to assert that if at the woman a beautiful and well-groomed decollete, she can not care at all of the person.
All the same looks of associates will be chained to a milk whiteness to a valley at which edge two delightful hills, laces leaving in a fog and the silks, attracting the primitive secret, promising paradise pleasure and divine pleasure begin.

Hi, a stereotype

Very long ago weren't seen. Here days. However, to rejoice there is especially nothing.
And so it is clear: as soon as the door of a bedroom will be closed and the matrimonial bed is spread, you, my dear, will be much earlier its erection and my desire, directly as his mother on New Year's Eve: «And I here have thought, I will arrange as I to the children sjurprii-and-and-from!»
Here is how exists such men, at which such mums so there are also such people at which — stereotypes.

That should not see the man

That should not see the man
Our men — they beings nervous. Though also blood-thirsty.
In it they are very strongly similar to small children: that it costs nothing to play weeks war and to thrash the friend to the friend heavy sticks, but to think that the favourite teacher too walks in a toilet is an insult for them. How, the teacher — and too in a toilet? Where then world justice?

Breast, breast Reduction

I understand that it sounds as blasphemy.
And, nevertheless, the problem exists: 12 % of women on the Earth would like to reduce the size twist breasts.

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